Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Answers to Questions
Weed Control
In reply to the Hon. J.A. DARLEY (16 November 2016).
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change): I have been advised:
The vast majority of weed infestation issues are resolved without recourse to the law with NRM officers working cooperatively with landholders.
In 2015-16 there were two instances in which it was necessary to invoke the criminal/civil sanctions:
One landowner was convicted of failing to produce an action plan following unsuccessful attempts to have him control a major blackberry infestation and was fined.
A second landowner failed to control a large infestation of a declared weed and proceedings are currently underway to escalate that matter to a protection order.