Legislative Council: Wednesday, March 01, 2017


Northern Economic Plan

The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (15:10): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Employment a question regarding the Northern Economic Plan.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS: In November last year in this place, I asked whether the minister would bring back information about further discussions he may have had with the Mayor of Gawler in relation to the absence of the Town of Gawler from the Northern Economic Plan. The minister stated as follows:

I have had discussions with the Mayor of Gawler and in the near future I am happy to bring back some further information to update the chamber, but maybe I will be able to update the honourable member even before that.

Will the minister provide an update on Gawler's absence from the Northern Economic Plan, which he assured me and this council that he was examining, and deliver the information that we have not received so far?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Science and Information Economy) (15:11): I thank the honourable member for his question and his advocacy for people in the northern areas of Adelaide, particularly in his area around Gawler. I will come back this week, tomorrow, with some information about a program we are starting to help entrepreneurs and start-ups in the Gawler region specifically that forms a greater part of the Northern Economic Plan. I just don't have the details in front of me now but I undertake to bring them back for the honourable member—

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins interjecting:

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: —this week. I will bring some information this week for the honourable member.