Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 15, 2017



Waste Management

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.M.A. Lensink:

That the Legislative Council requests the Environment, Resources and Development Committee to inquire into and report on waste management policies in South Australia, with particular reference to—

1. The efficacy of the solid waste levy in providing equitable encouragement of resource recovery compared to landfilling or stockpiling of materials;

2. The adequacy of regulatory and legislative powers within the Environment Protection Act 1993 to manage the waste sector, including licence enforcement and current penalties;

3. Best practice methods in the resource recovery and waste sectors;

4. Minimisation of hazardous risks in the resource recovery and waste sectors;

5. Relevant themes from the 2015 EPA/ZWSA Waste Summit which will inform this inquiry; and

6. Any other matter.

(Continued from 3 June 2015.)

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (17:22): On behalf of the Hon. J.M.A. Lensink, I move:

That this order of the day be discharged.

Motion carried; order of the day discharged.