Legislative Council: Thursday, July 07, 2016


South Australia Police

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (14:35): Can the minister advise the chamber what the basic training is for all police officers at this stage, as in how many days or hours or modules would all police be required to undertake?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:36): I advise that SAPOL not too long ago made a rather significant operational decision to increase the amount of training that cadets receive before they become sworn police officers. I am advised that that course used to be six months in length and now it is 12 months. That decision, I understand, was made to ensure that the training that officers in SAPOL receive is of a far higher level and of a more detailed nature to make them more prepared for all the challenges they now have to deal with. Domestic violence is one of those challenges. Regarding how many specific hours or modules of the current 12-month training package for a new cadet is devoted to domestic violence specifically, I will have to take that on notice.