Legislative Council: Wednesday, June 22, 2016


SA Water

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (14:53): What is the average response time from when a leak is reported until it is actually attended by SA Water or their contractors?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (14:53): It varies from site to site.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: They laugh because they have no comprehension—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: They have no comprehension, Mr President—


The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: They think if there is a water burst outside their house there is someone there straightaway. Usually there will be in about two hours, but we also have water bursts out in the country areas. We have to have crews travel to get to those bursts and so our response times for those teams are an average across the state. The honourable member hasn't got the first clue about how to run a water business.