Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliament House Matters
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Personal Explanation
Question Time
Forestry Industry
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (14:19): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation a question about innovation in the forestry industry.
Leave granted.
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: In 2013, the state government committed $1.13 million to the Cellulose Fibre Chain Study. This was announced under the innovation portfolio by the then minister, Mr Tom Kenyon.
The fibre chain study was intended to develop more sustainable and higher-value products from the Limestone Coast forestry resources. This study was, of course, undertaken by Göran Roos' company, the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Previously in this place I have asked the minister what outcomes had been achieved from this study and what the benefit was for the people of the South-East, and I am still waiting for the minister to bring back a response to the chamber.
As I am sure the minister is aware, last week the federal government announced it would invest $4 million for a National Institute for Forest Products Innovation. This funding is to be matched by industry to the tune of $4 million, which requires $2 million of funding from the Tasmanian and South Australian governments. The institute will operate as a dispersed network model with one hub in Launceston and the other based in Mount Gambier in South Australia.
The Tasmanian government immediately committed the $2 million funding required. My question to the minister is: will the government commit the required $2 million in funding for the National Institute for Forest Products Innovation hub to be located at Mount Gambier through the innovation portfolio, as it did with the fibre chain study?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Science and Information Economy) (14:20): I thank the honourable member for his question. The honourable member would likely be aware that this particular question falls squarely within the portfolio responsibilities of the Minister for Forests, the Hon. Leon Bignell, in another place.
What I can say is that I was in Mount Gambier last week when this announcement was made, and there was a lot of embarrassment for the local federal member, Tony Pasin, for him coming out and making an announcement with no consultation with the state government and then, out of the blue, calling on the state government to do something. He was left red faced—I understand he hid from the media for 24 hours after becoming so embarrassed about his mistake—and I thank the Hon. David Ridgway for highlighting the ineptitude and mistakes of his colleague from the South-East.
I also note that the local federal member is increasingly embarrassed, increasingly isolated, with his views and how he conducts himself. I have to say that I do have a degree of sympathy for the local state member for Mount Gambier who, I understand, gets an increasing number of people coming to see him who are disaffected with the local federal member.
In terms of state government funding, that is a matter for the Minister for Forests in another place. However, I can say that the member for Barker was left very, very embarrassed and looking very, very silly, looking like a bit of a dill last week, and had to hide from the media.