Legislative Council: Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Carnevale Italian Festival

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:

That this council:

1. Congratulates the Carnevale Italian festival for celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2016;

2. Acknowledges the significant work and commitment of the Carnevale Italian Festival Committee and volunteers, past and present, for continuously showcasing the vibrant and energetic Italian culture through the festival; and

3. Acknowledges the importance of their establishment and the work it has done over the last 40 years in the promotion and preservation of Italian heritage and, in doing so, enriching the multicultural landscape of South Australia.

(Continued from 9 March 2016.)

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (17:35): I rise to speak in support of this motion. For so many of us over the past 40 years, Carnevale has been a highlight of South Australia's festival season, and this government welcomes the opportunity to honour such a significant milestone for South Australia's Italian community. In November 1976, Adelaide celebrated its first Italian alfresco festival in Rundle Mall, which was opened by the late Hon. Don Dunstan AC QC, then premier of South Australia.

Back in 1976, festivities for the Italian festival were held over two weeks, with a diverse cultural program held in a range of venues across the city. Forty years later, Carnevale has grown to be one of our most popular and successful celebrations of Italy in South Australian style. Our South Australian lifestyle has much to thank our Italian migrant community for, and this influence endures. Through trade and cultural exchange, our relationship with Italy continues to grow and evolve, bringing new talent and opportunities to the state today and for the future, something Carnevale has always encouraged.

For 40 wonderful years, Carnevale has provided South Australians with the opportunity to both experience and share the very best of Italian culture, and there is certainly something for everyone to enjoy at Carnevale, from mozzarella stretching workshops to the motor show and Italian wine seminars, to the Carnevale Cup soccer competition. New connections are made, and I am sure much fun is had by all.

This year, at its 40th Carnevale, the event took a new direction, supporting the wonderful diversity of our state by urging other South Australian cultural groups to contribute to a multicultural celebration on Saturday 6 February 2016. It is encouraging to see that even after 40 years, Carnevale continues to grow, with new experiences to be shared alongside the traditional. In congratulating the Italian coordinating committee on this auspicious occasion, we must acknowledge its role in the South Australian community in delivering projects and programs for the ageing.

Carnevale is CIC's major annual fundraiser, raising vital funds to support its work to facilitate access to high-quality, efficient and relevant services for Italian South Australians. CIC regularly assists about 800 mostly elderly people in South Australia's Italian community, with a focus on supporting them to stay in their homes as long as they wish. It is fitting that a weekend of making connections and celebrating our diversity ultimately supports members of our Italian community to remain independent and active in their community and take part in as much social connection as possible.

The South Australian government is proud to support CIC with the costs of running Carnevale, and I am pleased to advise the council that the state government contributed $90,000 towards the 2016 Carnevale Italian Festival. As with any successful event of this nature, Carnevale simply would not be possible without the contribution, hard work and dedication of the many skilled members of its organising and volunteers committee. On behalf of the state government, I would like to thank and acknowledge the many committee members, staff and volunteers of the CIC; Ms Vinnie Ciccarello, Carnevale chair; San Remo as the primary patron; and the generous sponsors, stakeholders, associations and partners who participate in the event as exhibitors and performers.

The government supports this motion and congratulates all involved in reaching this important milestone. No doubt organisers and supporters of Carnevale would have enjoyed the reception to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Carnevale hosted by the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Hon. Zoe Bettison MP. I commend the motion.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (17:39): I rise today on behalf of the Greens to support this very worthy motion and to congratulate the Carnevale Italian Festival on its milestone 40th anniversary this year. Carnevale, then known as the Italian Festival, began in 1976 with a parade from Victoria Square to Elder Park and then festivities in Rundle Mall. It has since undergone many changes and has grown to become one of the largest (if not the largest) Italian festivals here in Australia, attracting some tens of thousands of visitors each year.

Carnevale showcases the best that Italy and the local Italian community here in South Australia have to offer, from food to fashion to wine, art and culture, language, technology, sport, automobiles and so much more. It is a celebration of Italian language, culture, history and achievements, and the contribution that the large and proud Italian community has made to our state.

I would like to pay tribute to the Coordinating Italian Committee and its army of volunteers for successfully putting on this event each year. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Angelo Fantasia, the president of the Coordinating Italian Committee; Vini Ciccarello, the chair of the Carnevale organising committee; and Eugene Ragghianti, the special events manager.

Carnevale is truly a community event featuring many of South Australia's regional Italian clubs, associations and service groups who cook up a wide array of delicious, authentic Italian dishes. This year there were food stalls run by the Arena Community Club, Bene Aged Care, the Calabria Sports and Social Club, the Campania Sports and Social Club, Cucina Veneziana, the Lions Club of Adelaide Italian, the Rotary Club of Campbelltown, and St Hilarion.

Also at Carnevale this year we had many important institutions and community representatives, as well as advocacy organisations with their most informative display stands, which included: Com.It.Es; Code.As.It; the Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia; ANFE; and the Campania Club Flood Appeal. We also saw an impressive array of cultural and historic exhibitions and food and wine displays, including:

an exhibition of Giuliano-Dalmati exodus and their journey to South Australia;

an exhibition put on by the Marche Club about famous people from the Marche region;

an exhibition about the history of Italian migration in the City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters;

a seminar on Italian wine presented by Italian sommelier Alessandro Ragazzo from Bottega Rotolo; and

a mozzarella-stretching workshop (as noted by the Hon. John Gazzola) led by Vince Salandra from La Casa del Formaggio and Gina Dal Santo from TAFE SA.

The Italian community of South Australia's two radio stations, Radio Italiana and Radio Uno, were present over the weekend to transmit the festivities live.

Carnevale is not just a celebration, it is also a major fundraising event that raises very much needed funds for the welfare needs of elderly members of the Italian community. The proceeds are administered by the Coordinating Italian Committee and used for a range of very important services, including: day care programs for the frail and aged; information and referrals; an in-home visiting program; support and assistance in accessing services; advocacy; a support group for carers; shopping; social luncheons; physical activity programs, including swimming and light exercise for women; and a social support program.

The Coordinating Italian Committee is organising a gala masked ball fundraiser to raise much needed funds for these very important services on Saturday 16 July at the Hilton in the city. The Italian community has made a significant contribution to our state and our nation. It is testament to the success story that is multiculturalism here in South Australia that we have so many people from different parts of the world living and working harmoniously, free to maintain, celebrate and give expression to their distinctive cultural heritage.

We are proud and fortunate to have the Italian community here, not only being included in the rich tapestry that is the multiculturalism of our nation but playing a leading role in paving the way for successive groups of other people from around the world also settling here and forming part of that rich tapestry.

The Greens, of course, celebrate our multicultural identity in Australia and we recognise it as an intrinsic part of our national identity. The Australian Greens are particularly proud to have their first federal leader of a major political party who is of Italian descent. Senator Richard di Natale is, of course, not only a doctor, but Richard is very proud of his Italian heritage: he speaks Italian fluently (unlike myself); is an amazing Italian cook (with his own pizza oven); has his own vineyard and makes his own wine. The Greens congratulate the Carnevale Italian Festival on its 40th anniversary and wish it all the very best for another successful 40 years. With that, I commend the motion.

The Hon. J.S. LEE (17:45): I am really delighted that this motion is supported. I recognise the contribution by the Hon. John Gazzola; I think he is a passionate Italian through and through. Now and then we exchange some Italian, but mine is so poor that he kind of just frowns and says, 'I don't know what you are talking about.' But then if you try to test your Chinese with me, I might do the same. We often compare notes about best Italian restaurants and cuisine.

Italian culture and food has been immersed into South Australian society and communities in such a big way and ought to be celebrated, not just through the Carnevale festival but every day to celebrate the Italian within us. The Hon. Tammy Franks in her wonderful contribution told us stories about her Italian experiences, her cooking, the friendships she has made and how Italian culture has become a part of our society. She also referred to the Italian heritage of some of the candidates in her own party and also members of parliament.

Every year we attend the Carnevale functions, but we need to pay tribute particularly to the volunteers and the committee members. On that note, thank you so much for supporting the motion.

Motion carried.