Legislative Council: Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Climate Change

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (14:59): A supplementary: did the minister actually listen to David Suzuki's speech at WOMADelaide or does he simply selectively quote Dr David Suzuki?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (14:59): I had a lovely cup of tea with Dr Suzuki and his wife, and I took the opportunity of telling him what the Greens in this country are doing with the Liberal government. They have also on climate change supported the federal Liberal government attacks on renewable energy which have seen 2,500 jobs lost in this sector and investments down by 88 per cent.

Emissions from the electricity sector have jumped by almost 10 million tonnes under this Liberal government; that is what the Greens are supporting now. In 2014-15, emissions rose for the first time since 2006-07—that was the last time there was a Liberal government. When Malcolm Turnbull was environment minister, emissions rose for the first time. Australia's largest Energy and Emissions Market Analysis, RepuTex, has confirmed that, under the federal Liberals' direct action policy, carbon pollution levels from Australia's biggest polluters will increase by 20 per cent by 2030. That is what the Greens are delivering us now, with their unprecedented unholy alliance with the Liberals at a federal level.

The list goes on. The Abbott-Turnbull Liberal government has dismantled the climate commission; attempted to scrap the independent Climate Change Authority; succeeded in having the climate authority's respected and well-regarded chair, Bernie Fraser, step down; undermined the renewable energy target, threatening South Australian investments and jobs; desperately tried to abolish ARENA and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation; and cut or, is in the process of cutting, hundreds and hundreds of climate scientists' jobs at the CSIRO. How on earth do they sleep at night? I do not understand it. Clearly, for them principles do not matter. They just want to get into parliament.