Legislative Council: Thursday, March 10, 2016


Northern Economic Plan

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (14:34): My question is directed to the Leader of the Government. Given the Northern Economic Plan states that the average annual population growth is 1.7 per cent per year, this would mean there will be almost an extra 50,000 people in the north in 10 years' time. Does the minister accept that if 15,000 new jobs are created in the north over the next 10 years, this would mean a significant increase in the already high 9 per cent unemployment rate in the north?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Science and Information Economy) (14:35): I thank the honourable member for his question, but we learned a lot yesterday about relying on what the Hon. Rob Lucas comes in here and says. He was caught out twice in a row telling us half-truths and not giving us the complete story at all. I will take that question on notice and bring back—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: Because all of us know we can't rely on what he tells us here. He is the boy who cried wolf, the guy who jumped the shark, and he has done it that many times that no-one on this side, and even people on the other side—even his own colleagues—don't take him seriously. So, I will take those questions on notice and bring back a reply, because his figures just cannot be relied on.

It is courageous that the Hon. Rob Lucas thinks that it is a good idea to come in here and ask about jobs in northern Adelaide. That is courageous; it is also foolish and stupid. It was their mob that created some of the biggest challenges we are facing in northern Adelaide. We all remember just over two years ago the then treasurer—he has had to scuttle out of the country—daring Holden to leave. The then treasurer Joe Hockey dared Holden to shut up shop and leave the country. The very next day—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: The very next day, after being goaded into leaving, that is exactly what they did! And you know what we have heard from this mob on the other side in this chamber? Nothing—not a single thing. The very day after they were dared to leave, Holden announced they would stop manufacturing in Australia. That is what their federal colleagues did. They have not supported Holden in this state. Let's talk about other jobs in the north. Their federal colleagues—

The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS: Point of order: I remind the Chair that pointing is out of order, and the minister is about to start dribbling.

The PRESIDENT: I think it is important that members from both sides understand that pointing is really not appropriate. Minister, go ahead.

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: Thank you, Mr President. It is worth keeping in mind that it is their federal colleagues from the other side that are responsible for a lot of the challenges that we face. We have just reflected upon their federal colleagues goading Holden to leave the country—goading Holden to shut up shop—which they did.

Let's talk about some of the other things that their federal colleagues have done that they have promised. In The Advertiser of August 2015, Senator Simon Birmingham proudly announced, 'The best economic news for SA in decades.' He proudly announced on that day in The Advertiser:

…Offshore Patrol Vessels…and other surface ships will provide a steady stream of work for shipbuilders in Adelaide…

What he told the good people of South Australia in 2015 was:

Construction of OPVs will commence in 2018, two years earlier than initial estimates, while Future Frigates construction will start three years earlier, in 2020.

Any time you ask a federal Liberal now about offshore patrol vessels, you know what they say? They say nothing. You cannot trust what they say. Interestingly, Mr President, do you know what those members opposite say about offshore patrol vessels? They say nothing. They do not support South Australia; they did not support South Australia when Holden was in doubt. They don't support South Australia. Mr President, you know me; with OPVs, I will support South Australia.

The PRESIDENT: Supplementary.