Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Parliamentary Committees

Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Site Contamination at Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (16:20): I move:

That the report of the committee, on its inquiry into the Environment Protection Authority's management of contamination at Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, be noted.

In July 2014, the Statutory Authorities Review Committee resolved on its own motion to inquire into the Environment Protection Authority's management of contamination at Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, with particular reference to the assessment and management of risks to public health by the authority and related agencies.

Over the past year and a half, the committee has taken extensive evidence from 29 witnesses in 13 hearings and considered six submissions and 26 pieces of additional correspondence. This evidence has provided the committee with a detailed understanding of the complexities in managing a contaminated site when the body of knowledge on the contaminant has evolved during the investigation period, the legislation framework has changed and there is uncertainty about the source of contamination.

However, it is apparent to the committee that, in the face of uncertainty, residents expect to be informed and engaged about environmental issues that affect them in a timely and appropriate manner. This is the second time the committee has inquired into the Environment Protection Authority or the EPA in recent years and on both occasions communication has been an important issue for witnesses. Evidence provided to the committee during this inquiry suggests that the EPA's early communications did not meet residents' expectations.

The committee notes that following significant public interest, the EPA established the Clovelly Park Mitchell Park Environmental Management Project and the community reference group to support local residents. The EPA has also engaged Fyfe Pty Ltd to undertake an assessment program in Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, developed an indoor air level response range and produced a suite of materials for the community about TCE. The committee notes these initiatives were generally well received.

In October 2015, the EPA and SA Health also executed the Working Together Agreement for Site Contamination between the EPA and SA Health which details their roles and responsibilities during a site contamination investigation. The committee is disappointed that the EPA and SA Health did not finalise this agreement sooner.

The committee is legislated to inquire into and consider the structure, functions and operations of statutory authorities pursuant to section 15C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991 (SA). As such, this report does not apportion blame, but rather makes nine recommendations for the EPA and the government to consider in the future management of contaminated sites. These recommendations relate to community engagement, public health, local government engagement and state government coordination.

On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank the individuals, agencies and organisations who presented evidence to the committee during this inquiry. The committee would, in particular, like to thank the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park residents who shared their personal experiences with the committee. Site contamination is an unfortunate reality of past industrial practices and can be very confronting and challenging for residents who are left in its wake.

Throughout the inquiry, the committee has worked diligently and cooperatively to produce a unanimous report. I would like to thank the past and present members of the committee: the Hon. Dennis Hood, the Hon. Rob Lucas, the Hon. Tung Ngo and the Hon. Stephen Wade. I would also like to acknowledge the Hon. Gerry Kandelaars for his leadership of the committee during this inquiry. Finally, I also wish to thank the committee staff members, Mr Peter Dimopoulos and Emma Moulds, for their assistance.

Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. T. J. Stephens.