Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Pinery Bushfires

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (15:34): My question is to the Minister for Emergency Services. Can the minister advise the house about the work of the Cadell Training Centre CFS brigade in responding to the Pinery fire?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:34): I thank the honourable member for her important question. We are all aware of the devastating impact of the bushfire that started at Pinery on Wednesday 25 November 2015 and spread to vast areas in our state's Mid North including Owen, Hamley Bridge, Wasleys, Kapunda, Freeling, Tarlee and Greenock. Two lives were lost, 31 people were injured and 91 homes were destroyed. Our deepest condolences are with the families affected and our thoughts are with the communities devastated by the fire.

I would like to reiterate the statement of the previous minister for emergency services (Hon. Tony Piccolo) in thanking the outstanding efforts of our emergency services, particularly the CFS, MFS and the State Emergency Service. The South Australia Police, SA Ambulance Service and the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources should also be commended for their efforts.

I am also pleased to advise that, as Minister for Corrections, another one of my portfolio areas was involved in the firefighting effort on the day and is subsequently now assisting in the recovery efforts. As the bushfire burnt through many hectares last November, the Cadell Training Centre CFS brigade, manned by trained and qualified prisoners along with custodial staff, played its part in firefighting efforts seeking to maintain the fire fronts.

As the efforts turned to recovery, both prisoners located at Cadell and the Adelaide Pre-release Centre have commenced assisting with the clean-up. The Cadell Training Centre has committed two work gangs for three days a week, while the Adelaide Pre-release Centre has committed one work gang to the recovery efforts. The work gangs have been and will continue to assist the state recovery efforts in the removal of damaged trees and fixing fencing that was damaged by the fire to enable a speedy recovery for all the communities involved.

I personally think this is an absolutely fantastic initiative. It not only allows the prisoners, many of whom are close to release, an opportunity to give back to the community while acquiring new skills that will assist with obtaining employment upon their release but it also makes a real difference to those who have lost so much as a result of the tragic fires. The feedback I have received from the department's chief executive is that the efforts of the work gangs are being greatly appreciated and that prisoners are enjoying seeing the difference that they are able to make to the relevant local communities.

Last Saturday, 6 February, the Premier and I visited the Pinery fire area. We were fortunate enough to be able to meet with community members, including Hamley Bridge farmers, Brian and Carolyn Koch and Matthew and Denika Koch, and hear their inspirational stories of the local community pulling together in what are these incredibly difficult circumstances. The Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion in the other place is doing a fantastic job of overseeing that recovery effort, and Mr Vince Monterola, leading the recovery coordination from his base at the TAFE Gawler campus, is also to be commended.

I sincerely thank our firefighters and all involved in the emergency response effort for their outstanding efforts, including those people from the Cadell Training Centre and the Adelaide Pre-release Centre.