Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 09, 2016


Government Radio Network

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (15:27): Supplementary arising out of the minister's answer: what guarantee can the minister give that the new MFS mobile phone-based Intergraph communication system will work when MFS crews are sent to major bushfires such as Pinery?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:27): I thank the Hon. Mr Lucas again for his question and his interest in this important topic. Out of the Pinery bushfire, as is the case in any sort of significant event of this nature, the government does undertake a review to ensure that we are making or acquiring all the learnings that should appropriately take place as a result of a significant fire event.

Communications is one of the subjects that is being looked at as a consequence of the Pinery bushfire. I understand that the radio government network and how it performed during the Pinery bushfire is specifically being looked at. Again, I am not able to provide a comment right now specifically in respect of mobile phone towers, but I am more than happy to take that on notice and come back to the honourable member.