Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
The Hon. J.S. LEE (14:51): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills questions about TAFE SA.
Leave granted.
The Hon. J.S. LEE: In the Auditor-General's Report it was found that the absence of a documented process to change fees within the Student Information System and the absence of an independent review or validation process to confirm changes made could result in incorrect fees being charged to TAFE SA students. The report also found that in the absence of an independent review for instances where fees are waived, through the use of fee exemption codes, there is a risk that exemptions may be inappropriately granted to students. My questions to the minister are:
1. With so little documentation and review of fee changes, how can the minister be certain that students are being charged the correct fees?
2. Does the minister know how many incidents there have been of incorrect fees being charged to students? How many exemptions have been inappropriately granted to students?
3. How will TAFE SA become competitive with such a poor administrative structure and approach?
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:53): I thank the honourable member for her most important question. No doubt time did not permit, but it is a shame you were not able to ask that question yesterday with the appropriate officers available to provide detailed information. I obviously do not have that level of detail with me today. Most of it is regarding operational matters that TAFE are responsible for. I am obviously responsible for the overall compliance of TAFE to meet legislative requirements and the associated audits. My understanding is that TAFE has in place a number of systems to ensure that they do conduct proper processes but, as I said, I do not have the details here today. I am happy to take it on notice and bring back those details.