Legislative Council: Tuesday, November 17, 2015


South-East Water Allocation Plan

The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS (15:22): I thank the minister for his answer. I have a supplementary question. With regard to legislative change, when would you anticipate bringing something to the parliament and how quickly would we be able to do something?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (15:22): As I said, I sought advice from the South East NRM Board and also crown, and that advice is that I do not need legislative change: I have the power to do so, but I am obliged to consult with the South East NRM Board before I make a determination on that. I have written to the South East NRM Board, as I indicated in my original answer, and I am awaiting a response.