Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Eurovision Song Contest

Adjourned debate on motion of the Hon. J.S. Lee:

That this council—

1. Congratulates Guy Sebastian on representing Australia and placing fifth at the 60th Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna;

2. Acknowledges the importance of having Australia represented at Eurovision, one of the longest running and most popular television shows in Europe; and

3. Notes that Guy Sebastian is one of Australia's most successful male artists and has been an active member and contributor to the South Australia community.

(Continued from 17 June 2015.)

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (17:31): 'Can you hear the drums, Fernando?' Mr President, for the purpose of this speech you will be playing the role of Fernando. You have no lines but just think Eurovisionary Fernando thoughts.

Can you hear the drums, Fernando?

When you hear our voices call

you won't be lonely anymore

All we need is lightning

with power and might

When you're down down low

and there's no place you can go

Rise like a Phoenix…

We are the heroes of our time

I'm a warrior

And if we die tomorrow

What'll we have to show?

All the wars for nothing, it never ends.

Mr President (or Fernando as the case may be)—

I better let you go...

No I won't sleep tonight

If tomorrow comes I'll lose my mind…

Forget tomorrow

we can do tonight again.

With these words, carefully chosen from the artists and songs of Eurovision over the years, which I believe speak to the boldness and gallantry of Guy Sebastian's performance, Dignity for Disability would like to support the Hon. Ms Lee's motion in congratulating Adelaide's own Guy Sebastian for his wonderful performance representing Australia in Eurovision this year.

Although I might have my own views as to whether or not the English language should actually have a place in the Eurovision Song Contest, Mr Sebastian continues a long and proud tradition in this state of our musicians playing at the forefront of popular music locally, nationally and internationally, and regardless of which language he chooses to do that in, on behalf of Dignity for Disability I salute him.

The Hon. T.T. NGO (17:33): I would like to 'Rise like a Phoenix' to support this motion congratulating our 'Golden Boy', Guy Sebastian, on his performance in the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. 'Summer's Here' and 'Winter's Gone', we can 'finally see the sun,' but this motion gives us the opportunity to cast our minds back to May and to relive this wonderful celebration of European music.

The Eurovision Song Contest is certainly very familiar with Australian artists, with the likes of Olivia Newton-John, Johnny Logan and 'Ooh, Aah…Just a Little Bit' of Gina G competing for other countries in previous years. As Eurovision is so 'Popular' here in Australia, in 2014 we were invited to perform as the Interval Act at a contest in Copenhagen. Jessica Mauboy got ready, put her 'Lipstick on' and performed to a 'Sea of Flags'. Like 'An Angel in Disguise', she won over the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), who, as the 'Heroes of our Time' invited Australia to participate as a part of its 60th anniversary this year.

After 'Playing With Numbers', SBS as our lead broadcaster knew that the only Australian who could perform a 'Beautiful Song for the Radio and our TV Show' was Adelaide's very own Guy Sebastian. While some of the native countries questioned, 'Is it Right?' for Australia to be in the competition, most of Europe welcomed us with 'No Prejudice' inviting us, saying, 'Be Our Guest'. This was Guy's 'Time to Shine'. He was not going to waste it and certainly did 'Live it up' with his song, Tonight Again.

Over 4.2 million Australians tuned in and were filled with 'Euphoria' and begged the question, 'Why can't this Moment Last for Evermore?' as they cast their votes for their favourite entries. They hoped that Europe would 'Love us Back Today'. It seemed that Guy's performance was a 'Party for Everybody', 'Party for Everybody' and proved to be 'One Tough Act to Follow' as he did us all very proud, finishing in fifth position. Our Guy proved to be far more popular than any of the 'Eastern European Kind of Funk' music. In fact, against the might of Europe, you could say that he was a 'Warrior'. As we say 'Goodbye to'—

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Ngo, I am just about to get the Black Rod to throw you out.

The Hon. T.T. NGO: As we say 'Goodbye to Yesterday' and we look for a 'New Tomorrow', we urge the EBU to invite Australia back to continue participation in this song contest. In short, we want Europe to ask us to 'Stay!' And if the EBU does accept the 'Gravity' of our desire and 'Feel the Passion' Australia has for this competition, allowing Australia to be a regular competitor would be like 'Coming Home' for many of our European migrants who watch the Eurovision Song Contest from afar and remember they are 'Never Alone'.

'Maybe' Australia will be invited back to compete. If we are, it will be a 'Miracle', a 'Miracle'. While the negotiations no doubt go 'Round and Round' until we have word from the 'Sweet People' of the EBU, we will be 'Standing Still'.

Should the EBU be so 'Taken by a Stranger' that they want to have us back, I urge SBS as the broadcaster to again look for a South Australian to represent us. We have over 'A Million Voices'. In fact, 'You and I', Mr President, could even partake in this great event. It could be 'Me and My Guitar' and I could even sing a 'Cliché Love Song'.

I digress. 'I Should Have Known Better', 'Believe in Me', 'I'm a Joker', and I am sure that with all the fantastic talent around South Australia we can 'Find Something Better'. Inviting Australia as the first non-Europe based country has already been 'Playing with Fire'. If we are welcomed back it will be 'Glorious'. However, if we miss out there will be no words, 'Only Teardrops, Only Teardrops'.

I will finish up now, because 'I've got a cake to bake—I have no clue at all', but I do promise that it will be a 'sweet cheesecake' or else I will give you 'Money, Money, Money' to buy one. I finish by saying 'This is the Night, This is the Night'. I support this motion because I 'Celebrate' Guy and this fantastic competition, and I commend this motion to the council.

The PRESIDENT: Mate, I just hope your Hansard does not get into the wrong hands. Also, you will have to suffer another preselection, mate, because you certainly will not have a singing career.

Motion carried.