Legislative Council: Tuesday, September 08, 2015



The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:41): Of the 17,000 workers who have recently been qualified—I think it was 17,000, but the minister will correct me if I am wrong—to what level are they qualified and how long did it take them to complete that qualification? Also, will the minister offer fee-free TAFE courses in disability and aged support, and community services, acknowledging the lack of qualified support workers and trained staff in these industries?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:42): I don't agree with the last assertion of the honourable member that there is a lack of qualified people. I have just outlined the significant level of qualifications in the industry, both in previous years and up to 2017-18. I have just outlined the modelling and, from that modelling, we are well on target, if not in advance of those targets. So there is nothing there to suggest that we are short on qualifications.

In terms of fee free, under WorkReady there are some foundation skills that are still available fee free and, of course, we still provide significant subsidisation across our subsidised training lists, and also, I think, to about 53 trades apprenticeship qualifications, so there is still significant subsidisation occurring. In terms of the specific qualifications, I don't have those lists in front of me, but they are the standard qualifications required for pre-entry and entry level to employment.