Parliamentary Procedure
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Suicide Prevention
In reply to the Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (18 September 2014). (First Session)
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change): The Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse has received this advice:
The South Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy 2012-16: Every life is worth living ('the Strategy') was released in September, 2012.
This government is committed to the ongoing implementation of the Strategy, of which Goal 5 emphasises the importance of postvention activities and programs.
The Strategy was recognised at an international postvention conference in 2013 as leading the way in recognising the importance of postvention work, recognising not only the need for support after a suicide but also after a suicide attempt.
The research undertaken to develop the South Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy found that South Australia is well serviced by programs for suicide prevention and postvention but a coordinated approach is still required.
The government is committed to Suicide Prevention Networks which are being established around the state, utilising collaborative action to raise awareness and promote community resilience in prevention and postvention. These networks are comprised of members from the community who have lived experience with suicide.
SA Health has facilitated networks in Mount Gambier, Aboriginal Network for the South East, Murray Bridge, Clare and Gilbert Valley, Gawler, Elizabeth, Naracoorte, and Whyalla and along with Wesley Lifeforce, networks are established in Strathalbyn, Port Adelaide and Port Augusta. Further networks are being established in Ceduna, Prospect and West Torrens. Furthermore, early work has started in Peterborough, Mid Murray and York Peninsula areas.
In 2014-15, the South Australian Government committed over $1 million to the ongoing implementation of the South Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy.
The SA Office of the Victim of Rights provides an excellent publication Information for those bereaved by suicide. This booklet is distributed by the South Australia Policy to those bereaved by suicide and is also now widely distributed by the Suicide Prevention Networks. It is updated frequently and is freely available to the public, to ensure people have this information in readiness for such an event.
SA Health has also spoken with organisations such as the Bereaved by Suicide Support Group. Their leadership believe organisations such as theirs should be self-funded entities, empowering members to support each other.