Legislative Council: Wednesday, June 17, 2015



The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (14:23): By way of supplementary question, will the minister answer the question I asked: can she advise the house of the whereabouts of Mr Peter Vaughan, the chair of TAFE?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:23): It is a completely irrelevant question to be asking the minister. If the honourable member is saying that he wants a meeting or a phone call with him, or for whatever purpose wants a briefing or whatever, let the honourable member put that request to the chair. Why does he not get off his lazy tail and actually request that? Why would he not do that? He is lazy! The opposition is lazy and indifferent, and they increasingly come into this place ill prepared, with misleading information, and are just too lazy to get off their tails and do stuff for themselves.