Legislative Council: Thursday, March 26, 2015


Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Chief Executive

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (14:39): My questions are to the Minister for the Environment:

1. Can the minister now confirm that:

(a) A selection panel was convened for the position of chief executive officer of his department?

(b) Ms Sandy Pitcher was not an applicant for the position considered by that panel?

(c) The selection panel, in fact, recommended a senior executive of his department to be the chief executive officer of the department and not Ms Pitcher?

2. Can the minister explain his role in the eventual appointment of Ms Pitcher as the chief executive officer of his department?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (14:40): I thank the honourable member for virtually repeating his question of yesterday which I took on notice. I am thrilled that Sandy Pitcher has been appointed as chief executive of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. Ms Pitcher has a long and distinguished career in the South Australian, commonwealth and UK public services.

Most recently Ms Pitcher served as deputy chief executive in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, a role she held from 2010, I am advised. Notably, in 2012 Ms Pitcher received the Telstra Businesswoman of the Year award in the community and government category in recognition of her service.

I had the pleasure of getting to know Sandy when she occasionally acted in the role of chief executive of DPC, where she would attend cabinet meetings. I have also found Sandy to be constructive and extremely proficient in her duties. I am thoroughly looking forward and, in fact, am currently enjoying working with Sandy in her new role, as we continue to protect the South Australian environment, ensure the suitable use of our natural resources, and continue to build on our leadership in responding to climate change and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

I understand, as I said yesterday, that there was a competitive process for the appointment of the chief executive role and that there was a panel appointed do this selection process. I said yesterday I would go back and address the issues that I took on notice from the Hon. Mr Lucas and bring back a response. That is still my current intention.