Legislative Council: Thursday, February 26, 2015



The Hon. S.G. WADE (14:49): Supplementary question. Whatever the minister's interpretation of the operational independence of TAFE, they are still part of the ministerial accountability of this minister before this house. I ask the minister: what relevance is the operational nature of that information to the legitimate right of this house to be informed through the responsible minister?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:49): It is the responsibility of TAFE SA. The honourable member needs to address his question to TAFE SA. They set their own business structures, which includes fee structures, accordingly. The South Australian government is the funder and TAFE SA is the service provider. I'm happy to take questions about government funds, the funding that we provide to service providers, one of whom is TAFE. I am responsible for answering those questions.

I am happy to take questions about funding to these institutions, but the service providers not only participate in conducting government-supported training through Skills for All, and there are some other programs as well, but they have other business training structures completely independent of that. Many of them have fee-for-service type courses, international students, all sorts of arrangements with universities and partnerships with other organisations. They have business elements completely separate to that, and they are entitled to do that and encouraged to do that. But in relation to my responsibilities, we are the fund provider and I am happy to take questions about the funds that we provide for subsidising public training.