Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Para Wirra Recreation Park

The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (14:58): Further supplementary: the minister in his first answer referred to the transfer of crown land into the parks system. Will the minister concede that the department's handling of the transfer of the Humbug Scrub crown land into the Para Wirra park took many years and was a great delay to groups such as the Friends of Para Wirra?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (14:59): The honourable member seemed to blithely ignore large parts of my explanation in response to his question. The department and the government are vitally concerned to speak to a whole range of community organisations about what they want from their parks, not just friends groups. Friends groups are very important, but they are not the only user of parks, and there is another group of people in the community who should be using parks and who probably aren't as much as they should. We need to know what stops them from using those parks and how can we design the parks, or what sort of facilities can we put in place to encourage them to use the parks more.

So there is a whole range of reasons why we might move priorities around in terms of pushing up the classification of one park over another in a different part of the state. It will come down to balancing our resources, doing the research—scientific research if necessary—on threatened species, and actually putting forward priority parks, and we will get to the others as we can. I can just advise the chamber that I am having a roundtable meeting in the north of Adelaide on 5 March to consult with community organisations about how the government will improve parks in the north of Adelaide.