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Indigenous Jobs and Training Review
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. K.L. Vincent:
That this council—
1. Notes that the recommendations in the Forrest review further restrict access to the disability support pension and make it easier for job seekers to have their payments cut or suspended without warning or justification, which will increase poverty without dealing with the fundamental undersupply of jobs, especially in regional and remote communities, and the many societal barriers which Aboriginal people and people with disabilities in particular can face when looking for work;
2. Condemns Premier Jay Weatherill's blanket endorsement of the recent Forrest review;
3. Notes a report from the commonwealth Parliamentary Library which states that there is no evidence to support Mr Forrest's recommendation that income management schemes be expanded to cover all welfare recipients;
4. Notes that, whilst voluntary income management has had some success in Aboriginal communities, involuntary income management has had adverse effects as stated in the Closing the Gap reports, which suggest that punitive policies that rely on fear or threats to change behaviour, such as cutting or suspending Centrelink payments, do not work;
5. Notes that Mr Forrest's recommendations regarding land ownership have the potential to further erode Aboriginal control of their lands and communities which will destabilise these communities and further deny them the right to self-determination;
6. Notes that Mr Forrest's plan calls for the dismantling of TAFE;
7. Notes with significant concern the apparent return of the 'announce and defend' model of governance that Premier Jay Weatherill's announcement suggests; and
8. Calls on the Premier to invest in genuinely supporting those who actually require education and assistance to manage their income and eschew his blanket endorsement of the recommendations until proper consultation is done to allow him to fully understand the real impacts they would have on everyday South Australians.
(Continued from 15 October 2014.)
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (23:01): Members will be delighted to know that I do not wish to speak on this matter, even though I strongly support the motion.
Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. K.J. Maher.