Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) (14:20): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement entitled 'Update on site contamination at Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park'.
Leave granted.
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: In early July this year, 40 homes in Clovelly Park received updated information from the EPA, Housing SA and SA Health regarding ongoing investigations into site contamination in the area. Further to these communications, on 17 July, the EPA informed 1,400 property owners and tenants in Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park that a comprehensive testing program would take place in the area. At that time, the community made it clear that they expected more from the government: they wanted clear and accessible information about the testing program, potential impacts to their health and the health of their families and what this all meant for the future of their homes. The government has responded and has been working diligently to meet the needs of the community.
Information has been provided and continues to be provided to the community through a range of media, including monthly newsletter-style updates, face-to-face discussions, community meetings and a dedicated project website. Members of the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park environmental management project team are available to the community 24/7 through an information hotline and email service. To date, five community reference group meetings have been held. These meetings allow community members to voice their concerns and have their questions answered by the project team and experts from across government, including representatives from the EPA, SA Health and the Valuer-General.
On 6 November, Professor Brian Priestly, a human health risk assessment expert from Monash University, was introduced to the community reference group. Professor Priestly is one of the nation's pre-eminent toxicologists and has significant experience working with communities facing complex health and environmental issues. Professor Priestly has been engaged by the project team as an independent scientific expert and will be available for one-on-one meetings with members of the community and at community meetings over the coming months.
Further, the project team, working collaboratively with scientific experts from the EPA and SA Health, has facilitated the development of an indoor air levels action framework. This framework indicates what the health risk is when certain levels of TCE are detected and also what action is recommended be taken. The EPA's testing program remains on track to deliver raw data by late November and a vapour intrusion risk assessment (VIRA) in the first week of December. The VIRA will provide the results of soil, soil vapour, groundwater and on-site modelling, which will allow indicative air level numbers to be allocated to different areas.
In July 2014, the government committed to implement a voluntary relocation plan to relocate tenants of 23 Housing SA properties in Clovelly Park by the end of the year. The government's advice to residents was that, in an abundance of caution, residents had the option to relocate whilst further testing was undertaken. Residents of 10 homes have now been relocated, with residents of a further eight homes to relocate in the next three weeks, I am advised. Housing SA has identified appropriate alternative homes for the residents of the remaining homes. I understand that these tenants, including four who have indicated they do not wish to relocate, have been offered properties that fit their stated requirements. Housing SA staff are continuing to work with the tenants to advance their relocation.
The two owners of private properties within the relocation area are in ongoing discussions with the government regarding relocation options and, to ensure the community is provided with up-to-date information, the project team is holding a public information session on Sunday 23 November at Club Marion, 262 Sturt Road, Marion. I understand that more than 200 people have registered their attendance at one of three sessions being held at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. The project team, Professor Priestly and experts from the EPA and SA Health will also be available from 10am to 5pm for community members to drop in. The government will continue to work with the Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park communities to ensure they receive timely and clear information and that any questions or concerns are answered.