Legislative Council: Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Solar Feed-In Tariff

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL (15:15): Supplementary: will the minister be attending the Save Solar meeting on Wednesday, 19 November, at the old AAMI football park stadium?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) (15:15): I don't know what is in my diary for tomorrow, so I can hardly say about that. It is my habit in this place, sir, not to comment on my diary dates in answers to questions unless I wish to—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: —in which case, I will give the Hon. Mr Ridgway advanced notice and he can ask me a question.

The Hon. D.W. Ridgway: You still wouldn't give me an answer.

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: No, that's true.