Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Climate Change
The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:07): Supplementary: then do you not think that the Treasurer's words were contrary to your clear vision on climate change and the leadership of this government, or do you actually support your Treasurer's words in condemning the ANU's decision?
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) (15:07): The honourable member just doesn't get it. You need to transition your economy slowly from your existing position into one where there is going to be an economic advantage in the future. We know the renewable energy economy, and the technology around that, are going to be worth $1 trillion within 20 or 30 years—a $1 trillion international economy. We should be part of that. We should be the early adopters.
You don't turn it on overnight. It takes a lot of hard work and, as we see, trying to convince the federal government, it takes even more hard work to get them over the line, but there are, as I understand it, many members of the Liberal Party at a federal level who feel embarrassed by the federal government's position on this and who are agitating in the backrooms to change their minds and change their policy. I wish to give them all the encouragement we can.