Legislative Council: Thursday, July 24, 2014

Standing Orders Suspension

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (14:22): I move:

That standing orders be so far suspended as to enable me to move a motion without notice in lieu of question time.

The PRESIDENT: You need an absolute majority for this motion, so we need a division.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: I call it lost, but there has to be a division if there is any dissent. Read your standing orders, please. No matter what happens, if there is dissent, there will be a division. Ring the bells.

The council divided on the motion:

Ayes 13

Noes 6

Majority 7

Brokenshire, R.L. Darley, J.A. Franks, T.A.
Hood, D.G.E. Lee, J.S. Lensink, J.M.A. (teller)
Lucas, R.I. McLachlan, A.L. Parnell, M.C.
Ridgway, D.W. Stephens, T.J. Vincent, K.L.
Wade, S.G.
Gago, G.E. (teller) Gazzola, J.M. Hunter, I.K.
Kandelaars, G.A. Maher, K.J. Ngo, T.T.

Motion thus carried.