Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Personal Explanation
Matters of Interest
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (14:40): My question is to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation. Can he advise when he was first made aware of the additional contamination in Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park, and what actions has he taken?
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) (14:40): Mr President, the opposition just does not take a hint. My preference in this situation is to talk to the stakeholders first, not to the opposition, but let me give them some background information to keep them going for a little while.
Since August 2012, Monroe and its site contamination consultant URS Australia have been undertaking indoor air and soil vapour sampling assessments within a residential area in Clovelly Park. The key chemical of interest that has been detected in soil vapour and indoor air is trichloroethylene (trichloroethene, as it is now called). The indoor air sampling that was completed during February and March 2013 identified concentrations of TCE in indoor air at six residential properties at that time. Monroe and URS Australia discussed the results of the indoor air and soil vapour sampling with the EPA site contamination auditor, the Department for Health and Ageing and Housing SA.
Further sampling was undertaken and the results identified levels of TCE in indoor air at about three residential properties slightly above the indoor air screening level criteria. On 10 April 2013, Monroe and the consultant discussed the results of the testing with the residents of the properties. At the same time, Monroe letter dropped the wider community area. The letter advised residents of the results of the testing and the next steps in the ongoing assessment.
During late 2013, URS Australia undertook further indoor air and soil vapour sampling as part of the ongoing assessment work being undertaken within the residential area at Clovelly Park. The October 2013 indoor air sampling identified an additional five residential properties with TCE concentrations in indoor air. In total, 11 residential properties in Clovelly Park have TCE in indoor air as measured. On 16 December 2013, residents were advised by Monroe and URS Australia via letter drop and a direct discussion that the results of the indoor air sampling would be used to prepare a detailed site investigation report and committed to ongoing communication with residents this year.
Monroe's consultant has continued to undertake further assessment work at the Monroe property (on site) and off-site areas (including residential areas), and has prepared a draft Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Vapour Health Risk Assessment Report. Monroe has now provided the EPA, the Department for Health and Ageing, Housing SA and the independent EPA accredited site contamination auditor with a copy of the draft Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Vapour Health Risk Assessment Report.
I understand the Department for Health and Ageing has advised that there are no immediate public health risks but there is a need to undertake some actions in the short term. The government is now coordinating its response to the report with a view to ensuring that appropriate actions are taken with respect to site contamination and that the interests of public safety remain a paramount consideration with respect to residents in the area. The EPA will continue to have active involvement. Out of respect for the residents, sir, I will not be saying any more at this stage. We will be consulting with the impacted residents.