Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Legislative Council
The Hon. S.G. WADE (14:24): Mr President, I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking you a question relating to order in this council.
Leave granted.
The Hon. S.G. WADE: On Tuesday 3 June, the Speaker in the other place remarked:
In my view, upper houses (federal and state) have become like the Wild West, and there are just no standards anymore. One can say absolutely anything in an upper house of parliament and not be contradicted by the presiding officer or by a privileges motion.
My questions to you, Mr President, are:
1. Do you agree with the remarks of the Speaker in the other place?
2. As the Speaker refers specifically to a lack of action by presiding officers in this place, do you understand that he is referring to your conduct, or do you believe that his remarks are reflecting on the previous presiding members, the Hon. Bob Sneath or the Hon. John Gazzola?
The PRESIDENT (14:25): I did not read his comments, but I believe that there should be some robust discussion in this place. If it is the will of the chamber, I will tighten up to the extent where we sanitise it to such an extent where robust debate will not take place. I do not think that anything the Speaker said reflected on me or on my predecessors. I will have discussions with people. I do have a much more relaxed way of operating but, as I said, if you think, the Hon. Mr Wade, that I should be more prepared to call people to order, I would be quite happy to do that.