Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Suicide Prevention
The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (15:01): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the minister representing the Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse a question about the government's commitment to mental health and suicide prevention programs.
Leave granted.
The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS: On 6 May this year during the opening of this parliament, His Excellency the Governor said that improving mental health and developing resilience were central to the work of the current government. His Excellency briefly mentioned some steps the government has taken in relation to mental health and suicide prevention programs, including the establishment of a new independent mental health commission. My questions to the minister are:
1. Will the minister advise how the establishment of the new mental health commission will assist in delivering and implementing suicide prevention strategies in South Australia?
2. To what extent will the mental health commission assist the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist in the development of suicide prevention networks?
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (15:02): I thank the honourable member for his most important questions. I will refer them to the Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse and bring back a response.