Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Matters of Interest
Address in Reply
Natural Resources Management Boards
The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (14:54): A supplementary, sir. Can the minister please explain the implications of the cuts his own government made in the last Foley budget, in the order of $24Â million, to NRM programs and state appropriations?
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) (14:54): In fact, we have actually improved engagement with local communities—
Members interjecting:
The PRESIDENT: Let the minister answer the question.
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: We have improved our engagement with local communities, even drawing in federal funding. That is what we have done; we have drawn in federal funding, and only by fighting the federal Labor government, at the time, on the River Murray did we get that funding. Again, it was with no support from the Liberals opposite; they were out there cheering for the New South Wales Liberal Party. That is what they do.
They are traitors to South Australia, this bunch over here. All they want to do is support the cold, ideological cuts that the federal Liberal government wants to impose on our state. We will stand up against them and fight for South Australia: they never will.