Legislative Council: Tuesday, May 20, 2014



The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills (Hon. G.E. Gago)—

Board of the Australian Crime Commission—Report, 2012-13

Report by Alexandrina Council on the Port Elliot West Community Policy Area Development Plan Amendment

Response to the Natural Resources Committee Report (90)—Bushfire Preparedness of Properties in Bushfire Risk Areas, dated 20 January 2014

Response to the Natural Resources Committee Report (90)—Bushfire Preparedness of Properties in Bushfire Risk Areas, dated 1 May 2014

By the Minister for Business Services and Consumers (Hon. G.E. Gago)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Gaming Machines Act 1992—Voluntary Pre-Commitment Code

By the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation (Hon. I.K. Hunter)—

Reports, 2012-13—

Activities associated with the Administration of the Retirement Villages Act 1987

Office for the Ageing

South Australian Public Health Council

Response to the Report of the Select Committee on a Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987

South Australian Citrus Industry Development Board—Winding Up Report

Regulations under the following Act—

National Gas (South Australia) Act 2008—Civil Penalties—Conduct Provisions

Rules under Acts—

Motor Vehicle Accidents (Lifetime Support Scheme) Act 2013—Lifetime Support Scheme Rules