Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Citizen's Right of Reply
Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS (15:01): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills a question regarding the future of the Murray Bridge TAFE campus.
Leave granted.
The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS: The very hardworking member for Hammond has recently been informed of a number of job cuts and program closures at the Murray Bridge TAFE campus raising fears that the state government is planning on closing this vitally important regional campus. My questions are:
1. Will the minister confirm the number of staff cuts at the Murray Bridge TAFE campus?
2. Will the minister confirm plans to shut down the automotive training centre for subsequent further job cuts at the Murray Bridge TAFE campus?
3. What plans does the state government have for the future of the Murray Bridge TAFE campus?
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (15:02): I thank the honourable member for his most important questions. The operational matters of TAFE SA are conducted through an independent statutory authority, and that is their responsibility and that of the independent board to make the day-to-day operational decisions of staffing and also matters such as courses that are available. We know that the training and education needs of the general public develop, change and alter with time and, as technology changes, we have different challenges before us and different pressures on us and we need to have a training and education system that equips people to be able to conduct themselves in the workforce in an appropriate way with contemporary skills.
So, of course, our training operations change in an ongoing way. They are always changing. Courses change, they develop, they have bits added on, and bits taken off; some new courses come, and old courses go. Decisions are made to ensure that we remain relevant and contemporary to our industry needs as their needs change in this contemporary climate. As I said, those matters are operational. Changes occur from time to time and they are matters for the TAFE board.
In relation to the ongoing future of the Murray Bridge TAFE campus, to the best of my knowledge, I am not aware of any proposed changes to the ongoing future of TAFE services being provided at that campus. It is a strategically located campus, it is a very important campus and, to the best of my knowledge, it has a long and healthy future at that site. It would be irresponsible of me, and also it goes beyond my realm of responsibility, to be making any guarantees about particular staffing numbers and particular course content.