Legislative Council: Thursday, November 28, 2013



Second Reading

Adjourned debate on second reading.

(Continued from 13 November 2013.)

The Hon. M. PARNELL (10:54): When we last debated this bill I sought leave to conclude my remarks and I now do so. I do not intend to reagitate the issues that we have just talked about in relation to the Hon. John Darley's bill, only to say that this being the last sitting day it is not my intention to adjourn the bill.

I hope to proceed the bill through all its remaining stages because, as I said in relation to the Hon. John Darley's bill, if we do pass this legislation then we at least keep the option open for the government to determine whether any of the difficulties the Electoral Commissioner has identified can be resolved. I believe they can, but they will not be resolved if we do not pass this bill and give the government the opportunity to pursue it further directly with the Electoral Commissioner. So, with those words, I close the second reading debate and I urge all honourable members to support the bill.

The council divided on the second reading:

AYES (9)
Finnigan, B.V. Franks, T.A. Gago, G.E.
Hunter, I.K. Kandelaars, G.A. Maher, K.J.
Parnell, M. (teller) Vincent, K.L. Wortley, R.P.
NOES (10)
Brokenshire, R.L. Darley, J.A. Dawkins, J.S.L.
Hood, D.G.E. Lee, J.S. Lensink, J.M.A.
Lucas, R.I. Ridgway, D.W. Stephens, T.J.
Wade, S.G. (teller)
Zollo, C. Bressington, A.

Majority of 1 for the noes.

Second reading thus negatived.