Legislative Council: Thursday, October 31, 2013



Second Reading

Adjourned debate on second reading.

(Continued from 17 October 2013.)

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (18:12): I rise on behalf of the Liberal Party to support the second reading of the Statutes Amendment (Occupational Licensing) Bill. Carriage of this bill has rested in the hands of the member for Goyder, who has indicated on behalf of the Liberal Party that we are supportive of the legislation.

Briefly, the reforms within the bill include a range of initiatives, such as removing the requirement that building work contractors may only nominate their directors or employees to be building work supervisors; enabling builders, plumbers, gas fitters and electricians who are the subject of a bankruptcy order to work as subcontractors; increasing the powers of the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs to improve administrative efficiencies and increase consumer protection; providing the commissioner with increased power under the Fair Trading Act in certain circumstances, which are outlined in the bill; simplifying the audit requirement for land agents and conveyancers in certain circumstances, which again is outlined in the bill; clarifying and expanding the definition of building work to include tasks considered to constitute building work, such as the installation of solar panels or an air-conditioning system; and increasing the maximum penalties in certain circumstances as well.

The member for Goyder has advised Liberal members that he consulted with a number of industry representatives in relation to the proposed legislation. We are unaware of any industry opposition to the government's proposed legislation, although I could put one question to the minister and ask whether he can confirm whether or not there have been any objections from any industry associations to the government's proposed legislation from the government's own consultation. With that, I indicate the Liberal Party's support for the second reading.

Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins.