Legislative Council: Tuesday, July 23, 2013



Final Stages

The House of Assembly agreed to amendments Nos 2 and 3, 8 to 10, and 13 without any amendment; disagreed to amendments Nos 4 to 6, 11, 12 and 14; and disagreed to amendments Nos 1, 7 and 15 and made alternative amendments in lieu thereof as indicated in the following schedule:

No. 1. Clause 4, page 3, after line 10—After the present contents of clause 4 (now to be designated as subclause (1)) insert:

(2) Section 4(1), definition of how-to-vote card—delete 'a particular candidate or group of candidates suggests that'

No. 7. Clause 17—

Page 8, line 15 [clause 17, inserted section 74A(1)]—After '(an application form)' insert:

except in accordance with subsection (1a)

Page 8, after line 16 [clause 17, inserted section 74A]—After subsection (1) insert:

(1a) Despite subsection (1), a person may on receipt of an unsolicited request for an application form from another person (an applicant), distribute, or cause or permit to be distributed, an application form to the applicant, provided that the application form is an official faun published under the authority of the Electoral Commissioner.

No. 15. New clause, page 10, after line 40—Insert:

25—Amendment of section 126—Prohibition of advocacy of forms of voting inconsistent with Act

Section 126(2)—delete 'marked so as to indicate a valid vote in the manner prescribed in section 76(1) or (2).' and substitute:

(a) marked so as to indicate a valid vote in the manner prescribed in section 76(1) or (2); or

(b) identical to a card submitted for inclusion in posters under section 66.