Question Time
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
In reply to the Hon. A. BRESSINGTON (27 June 2012).
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for State/Local Government Relations): The Minister for Business Services and Consumers has been advised:
1. to 4. The Liquor Licensing Act 1997 allows for a complaint to be lodged under section 106 with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner in relation to noise emanating from licensed premises. The legislation requires that the Commissioner resolve the complaint by conciliation.
I understand that Consumer and Business Services (CBS) does not have the ability, equipment or expertise to measure noise as part of this process, as this needs to be performed by a qualified professional. Furthermore, I can advise that CBS has never held the responsibility of testing licensed venues' noise levels.
Complaints surrounding noise levels are addressed through a conciliation process which continues to be heard by the Commissioner.
On the vast majority of occasions it is found that the parties come to an amicable agreement avoiding the requirement for the testing of licensed venues' noise levels. If noise levels do require testing, this can be performed by seeking assistance from a qualified professional.
I can confirm that CBS continue to have a relationship with the Environmental Protection Agency and they are able to assist CBS in relation to noise complaints, when needed.
I can assure you that there will not be any reprisals against a public servant.