Parliamentary Procedure
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Ministerial Statement
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Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
In reply to the Hon. A. BRESSINGTON (15 May 2012).
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): The Minister for Education and Child Development has been advised:
Since the enactment of section 52AAB of the Children's Protection Act 1993, a total of 30 Written Directives have been issued.
Two of these were directed at a parent of a child under the Guardianship of the Minister and a further three, were directed at a sibling of a child under the Guardianship of the Minister.
The Minister for Police has been advised that since commencement of this section on 31 December 2009, to 30 June 2012, SA Police has launched 14 prosecutions for the offence of failure to comply with the direction not to harbour, conceal or communicate with the child under Section 52AAB. SAPOL records indicate that:
1 was against a parent/guardian of the child;
1 was against a brother/sister of the child; and
2 were against an uncle/aunt of the child.
From 31 December 2009 to 30 June 2012 SAPOL has launched 13 prosecutions under Section 52AAC. SAPOL records indicate that 3 prosecutions involved a parent, sibling or external family member of a child in State care.