Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 17, 2012




The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (15:34): On Tuesday 25 September I had the pleasure of attending an evening to celebrate the life, work and journey of Mr Gerry Karidis AM, his 50 years in the construction industry and the launch of his book Building, Always Building. The gala dinner, held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, was attended by more than 500 people, including: the Premier, Jay Weatherill; federal minister, Simon Crean; as well as industry leaders and many other dignitaries, who included current and former state and federal colleagues of all political persuasions.

The night was capped off with a passionate speech by Mr Karidis, thanking his wife Stella and their two children, Theodora and Peter, as well as those who had supported him and his family over the years, with special mention reserved for Ken Saunders, Lenox Hewitt and Rex Connor. True to his word, Gerry Karidis included advice to governments on important issues facing society.

The Gerry Karidis story is certainly an inspiring one, showing what can be achieved through hard work, persistence and vision. This remarkable story is detailed in his book aptly named Building, always Building: the life and times of Gerry Karidis, AM, written with co-author Brian Abbey. It highlights the numerous life and business achievements of this incredible man, a life that began in Lefkada, a small Greek island in the Ionian Sea on the west coast of Greece, in 1937.

The book includes memories of his childhood in his homeland, wartime occupation of Lefkada, the family tragedy that led to his departure for Australia and his distinguished career as a property developer. There is no doubt that Gerry Karidis has made an enormous contribution to South Australia that is not just limited to the building industry, although that is where he has left his most visible legacy. He has been involved in many other facets of South Australian society, from his involvement with the Greek community to his work on the South Australian Housing Trust Board.

His time in South Australia started from very simple beginnings, arriving in Adelaide following in the footsteps of his brother, Don, at the tender age of 18 years of age, with £4 in his pocket and a suitcase. Mr Karidis worked extremely hard in those early years holding jobs as an auto worker, wharfie and, finally, a deli owner with his wife Stella, which enabled him to launch his construction business.

The years that followed saw Gerry Karidis become a most successful property developer, as well as an influential business leader in both South Australia and interstate, and he is known particularly for his straight talking business reputation. The Karidis Corporation now runs one of the largest property development and investment businesses in the state.

In his address, Mr Karidis touched on his role as the intermediary who introduced Pakistani commodities trader Mr Khemlani to former Whitlam government minister Mr Rex Connor. Simon Crean, on the evening, described Mr Karidis' reason for his involvement 'as a very strong vision of a national energy policy going forward'. It was obvious from Mr Karidis' comments that his respect for Mr Connor had not diminished.

There is no doubt in my mind that the story of Gerry Karidis is symbolic of the positive contribution that migrants have made to both this state and Australia as a whole. It highlights all that is good in those who come to this great nation in search of a new beginning for themselves and their families. Gerry Karidis is described in a recent article in The Australian as someone spending 'a lifetime chasing opportunities and giving back to the community'.

For very good reasons, Gerry Karidis is extremely proud of his appointment in 1990 as a Member of the Order of Australia in the Queen's Birthday Honours List. His award was in recognition of his service to the building and construction industry, and for service to the Greek community. I think we all agree that it is an honour richly deserved for someone who has contributed so much to the success of this state and, indeed, continues to do so. It was a great pleasure to be invited to the celebration dinner to listen, acknowledge and congratulate Mr Karidis AM, his wife Stella and their family.