Legislative Council: Tuesday, May 01, 2012



In reply to the Hon. A. BRESSINGTON (16 February 2012).

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): The Minister for Education and Child Development is advised:

1. The Department for Education and Child Development has advised that in 2004, a full demographic analysis was undertaken and discussions held with the developer, Land Management Corporation (LMC), and the City of Playford from 2005 onwards into 2009 on likely house sales and household demographics. The sales and demographics were used as a benchmark to determine the likely impact on the new schools.

2. Seven school and preschool communities within the Davoren Park and Smithfield Plains areas voted to close and enrol in the two new schools to be built in the area. The collective enrolment for these sites was 1,251 in 2009.

The collective enrolment at Mark Oliphant College (B-12) and John Hartley School (B-7) from the Term 3, 2011 Census is 1,659 and the current capacity for these two schools totals 2,040 spread across all year levels.

There has been an increase of 408 students enrolled in the two new schools compared to the seven schools and preschools that were closed.

3. At the beginning of 2012 Fremont-Elizabeth City High School had 20 enrolment vacancies and Craigmore High School had recorded 80 vacancies across the school.

4. The Department for Education and Child Development continues to undertake demographic analyses to determine ongoing demand in the area. Currently, there are schools surrounding John Hartley School (B-7) and Mark Oliphant College (B-12) that are under capacity. The department is constantly monitoring this situation.

5. 122 placements are available in kindergartens across the Northern area. Some kindergartens are operating with a waiting list.

6. 36 Reception students are currently on the waiting list for John Hartley School (B-7).

7. There are 8 public schools zoned in the Northern area.