Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 14, 2012



87 The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (30 June 2010) (First Session). For the period between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010, will the Minister for Environment and Conservation list—

1. Job title and total employment cost of each position with a total estimated cost of $100,000 or more, which has been abolished; and

2. Each new position with a total cost of $100,000 or more, which has been created?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): The Minister for Environment and Conservation has been advised:

Between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010, positions with a total employment cost of $100,000 or more:

1. Abolished:

Department/Agency Position Title TEC Cost
Department for Environment and Heritage Manager IT Services (MAS3) $133,000
Manager Information Systems (AS08) $114,000
Chief Botanist (PO5) $135,000
Principal Consultant Conservation Governance (AS08) $114,000
Director Business Operations (EXA) $151,000
Principal Consultant Govt. Business (MAS3) $133,000
Principal Consultant Vision 2012 (AS08) $114,000
Director Budget Strategy Project (SAES 1) $140,000
Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation Director, Audit & Program Review $116,826
Director NRM Research Alliance * $118,818
Director, Water Systems Reform $194,123
Principal Policy Analyst $101,574
Manager ICT Services $104,491
Manager Communications & Marketing $102,626
Manager Sustainable Water & Forests $102,626
Environment Protection Authority Director Corporate & Business Support $212,184
Zero Waste SA Manager, Stakeholder Relations $104,253
SA Water Head of Strategic Projects $310,625
Project Engineer $177,692
Manager Contracts $150,690
Manager IT Governance $131,836
Manager IS Procurement $119,900
Lead Project Manager $114,450
Manager–Shared Services $114,450
Recruitment Manager $108,989
Project Manager $101,781

2. Created:

Department/Agency Position Title TEC Cost
Department for Environment and Heritage Manager Operational Delivery (AS08) Coorong, Lower Lakes, Murray Mouth project $114,000
Deputy Regional Conservator Fire Management (AS08) $114,000
Business Partnership Manager (AS08) $114,000
Principal Adviser GIS (AS08) $130,000
Manager Business Operations (AS08) $114,000
Senior Policy officer (AS08) $114,000
Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation Project Manager * $104,491
Director, Environmental Water Management Program * $104,491
Project Manager * $104,491
Deputy Director, Business Services $137,914
General Manager Stormwater Mgmt Authority * $102,626
Manager, Legislation & Legal Unit $137,099
Manager, Stormwater * $138,841
South East Program Coordinator $102,626
Chief Technology Officer $112,626
Team Leader $102,626
Environment Protection Authority Nil Nil
Zero Waste SA Nil Nil
SA Water Mg Asset, Mgmt & Environ $163,500
Mg IS Management & Plan $161,974
Engineering Manager $146,060
Senior Commercial Mg $136,250
Snr Commissioning Officer $125,350
Water Quality Support Mg $125,350
Senior Project Manager $121,208
Sr Procurement Specialist $119,900
Manager—Internal Audit $119,900
Mg IS Project Leadership $114,450
IS Service Operations Mg $112,270
IS Technical Services Mg $112,270
IS Service Design Mg $112,270
Principal EIA Advisor $111,180
Manager Communications $109,000
Snr Metro Assets Engineer $109,000

In regard to the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (now the Department for Water): *—indicates the position is not funded from State appropriation (i.e. sourced through commonwealth or other external means).