Parliamentary Procedure
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Question Time
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Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (14:59): My question is to the Minister for Disabilities. Will you provide this place with an update on the International Day of People with Disability 2011?
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers) (14:59): I thank the honourable member for his very intelligent question. In 1992, the general assembly proclaimed 3 December as the International Day of People with Disability. The day aims to promote an understanding of people with disability and encourage support for their dignity, their rights, their safety and their wellbeing.
The International Day of People with Disability brings together individuals, businesses, community organisations and governments from every corner of the world to recognise the achievements and contributions of people with disability. This year, the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion will mark the International Day of People with Disability with a special function this coming Friday here in Parliament House. National Disability Services, Disability Services clients and their families, and members from the Minister's Disability Advisory Council will be among those attending this special event.
A new promotional booklet, entitled Breaking Down the Barriers, will be launched at this event. The booklet highlights barriers to access and inclusion of people with disabilities and provides a guide for best practice for the community. The booklet also reflects on the state government's Promoting Independence strategy which began in 2000. As the chair of the Minister's Disability Advisory Council, Dr Lorna Hallahan, has eloquently stated previously:
Promoting independence is not simply a government strategy. It is a South Australian expression of the Independent Living Movement, which has had a major impact internationally for over 40 years. The Independent Living Movement began with Ed Roberts who is known as the father of the disability rights movement, who advocated for self-determination, self-respect and equal opportunities. Promoting independence embraces these aspirations...
The strategy has achieved successful outcomes, including improved accessibility of state government buildings, improved employment opportunities for people with disabilities, and improved services for people with disabilities and their families.
After 10 years, now is perhaps the appropriate time to take a breath and review the strategy in line with national reforms taking place in the sector. As many in this chamber would be aware, the disability sector continues to move towards a more client-centred model, providing greater choice and control for people with disabilities and their families. We now need to lift the bar even higher and identify further improvements in service, support, access and inclusion for people with disabilities.
The government is currently considering its response to the Social Inclusion Board's Disability Blueprint, and I hope to be able to make announcements on that within weeks, as I indicated earlier. Certainly, the government is aware of the need to align the state's Disability Services with reforms taking place on a national level, in line with the National Disability Strategy and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability.
As the new Minister for Disabilities, I have actively sought out opportunities in the past few weeks to speak one-on-one with people with disabilities and their carers about where we can improve services, support, accessibility and inclusion. I am also consulting with key stakeholders, leading advocates, NGOs and academics. I look forward to attending this year's International Day of People with Disability event to continue these discussions and to celebrate the skills, achievements and contributions of people with disability.
The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Kelly Vincent has a supplementary.