Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
The Hon. G.A. KANDELAARS (14:30): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Tourism a question about the line-up for the 2012 Tasting Australia.
Leave granted.
The Hon. G.A. KANDELAARS: South Australia offers a wealth of exciting events throughout the year. As the new Minister for Tourism, I am sure you are aware that these events range from cultural to sporting and include many that promote the wonderful produce we have here. Can the minister inform the chamber of developments in relation to next year's Tasting Australia?
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Tourism, Minister for the Status of Women) (14:30): As members I am sure are aware, Tasting Australia is the country's premier culinary festival. I believe that the program and guests will make next year's event an extremely interesting one which people will gain a great deal of enjoyment and pleasure from. I am thrilled to announce that some of the most well-known names in the Australian food industry will come to Adelaide and regional South Australia for next year's Tasting Australia. Next year's Tasting Australia event will run from 26 April through to 3 May.
I am sure members will be familiar with MasterChef's George Calombaris who, I understand, is one of Australia's most influential foodies and restaurateurs. George will be demonstrating his modern take on traditional Greek and also Mediterranean fare.
Also joining the event will be Mark Best whose Sydney eatery Marque was recently awarded top Australian restaurant by the Australian Gourmet Traveller. Of course, would any South Australian food festival be complete without Simon Bryant and Maggie Beer, who members would probably know from the ABC television program The Cook and the Chef? I am very pleased that Simon and Maggie are involved and, of course, I should also mention that Poh Ling, of Poh's Kitchen and MasterChef, will also feature in the program.
There are a number of other amazingly talented chefs coming as well. Members can find more details about the Tasting Australia event through the Tasting Australia website, which is Throughout the coming months, I am advised that a full program will be available in early 2012 and I encourage members to keep an eye out for that.
Tasting Australia is a great opportunity to showcase South Australia's stunning fresh produce. Over the eight days, these amazing chefs and personalities will come together and share their knowledge, skills and passion with us. The 2012 Tasting Australia event will see a special focus on youth activities, regional experiences and the arts, with an array of hands-on and interactive experiences to suit all interests. I am sure, Mr President, that you know the Tasting Australia festival combines the very best of South Australian produce with some of Australia's most talented chefs in activities that certainly entertain, educate and inspire us.
The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Stephens has a supplementary.