Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Answers to Questions
The Hon. S.G. WADE (14:49): I am not at all flabbergasted. Considering that the key difference between by-law 6 and by-law 4 is the power in relation to amplification, does the minister think that taking away speakers is going to solve what has not been solved in two years?
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for State/Local Government Relations) (14:49): The reality is that the honourable member has disallowed by-law No. 6, which has taken away the right of the council to control breaches. Yesterday, the member asked for a report on the consequences of disallowing a by-law. So, it is obvious that you do not know what you are doing. It is obvious that you do not know what you—
The Hon. S.G. Wade interjecting:
The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY: Well informed. You do not know what you are doing. You are incompetent. You ought to admit the fact that you are incompetent and end it at that.