Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Committees
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (14:32): Will the minister bring back a response, instead of saying, 'I don't have the detail'? I know she doesn't; she never has any detail.
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Public Sector Management, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises, Minister for Gambling) (14:33): I find it incredible. I am more than happy to take these questions on notice and bring back a response, more than happy. As with all aspects of this development, we have been completely transparent in everything that we have done, and I am happy to provide those responses as well.
I find it absolutely incredible that here we have announced a state-of-the-art facility, something that this state really needs. We have an old Royal Adelaide Hospital, that I have to say stood us in good stead—it is a marvellous institution. However, it is outdated and outmoded, and it is time; this government went to the last election with this and has been given a mandate to build this new facility. You would think that in light of that, you would hear the opposition making some public statement about how pleased they are to see such a facility being built here in this state that is going to offer such important services to South Australians. Do you think we would hear that? No. All we hear is criticism after criticism after criticism. They are nay-sayers. It does not matter what we say and do. All they do is knock, knock, knock; that is all they do. It is just tragic.
As I have raised in this place before, we have even had the esteemed journalist from The Advertiser Greg Kelton say what a pack of knockers they are. Greg Kelton went on to say that South Australians are increasingly being seen as a mob of whingers. It is not a perception that sits well, but he says there is no way we can get away from it: we are a mob of whingers. He goes on to state:
Then there was Victoria Park where the government had a perfectly responsible plan to enable both motor sport and horse racing as well as the public to enjoy the East Parklands.
But, no—what we saw was a pack of public whingers knock that. Then we go to the Adelaide Oval and we saw that being publicly knocked. Then we see the Adelaide Oval redevelopment where the government is prepared to put $535 million on the table to enable AFL to be played in the city—and what do we get? Again, Greg Kelton went on to say that all we saw was a mob of whingers out there in force, either complaining that it is going to spoil the ambience of the Adelaide Oval or their view of the hills. Greg Kelton also asked:
What other state would be offered a brand spanking new hospital and still have people complain about it, saying that they would rather have—
and these are his words—
an old, rabbit warren hospital, rebuilt on site?
We know that that is exactly what the opposition is supporting. As Greg Kelton said, 'an old rabbit warren hospital rebuilt on site'. We even have Greg Kelton coming out and saying what a pack of whingers the opposition is in relation to the Royal Adelaide Hospital. All I can say is that, instead of hearing what the opposition could say about the important services this could offer to South Australians, all we see is their absolutely nit-picking preoccupation with a water feature. I am happy to bring that back.
The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins: We have got a five-minute answer to a supplementary question.
The Hon. G.E. GAGO: You keep asking the supplementaries. You are dumb enough to keep asking the supplementaries. I can keep going. I am happy to keep espousing the virtues of the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Franks has a supplementary question.