Legislative Council: Tuesday, April 05, 2011



In reply to the Hon. T.A. FRANKS (11 November 2010).

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Public Sector Management, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises): The Minister for Environment and Conservation has advised that:

1. The aim of the South Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Management of Animals in the Pet Trade (the Code) is to ensure that persons or businesses that procure and trade in pets meet appropriate welfare standards while the animals are in their care. A review of the Code was undertaken following complaints about the practices of some pet sellers.

The scope of the review of did not specifically include breeding and puppy farms. If any dog breeder, whether a commercial puppy factory or a private individual, is found to be keeping animals in unacceptable conditions, there are adequate provisions in the Animal Welfare Act 1985 to address the situation and if appropriate, to prosecute the person responsible for their care. Animal welfare standards should not depend on the number of animals being kept.

2. There is currently only one large commercial puppy breeding establishment operating in South Australia. This establishment has been inspected by RSPCA officers who did not find any animal welfare concerns.

While the Government considers that the current provisions of the Animal Welfare Act 1985 are adequate to address the welfare of animals in commercial dog breeding establishments, a National Dog Code is currently under development. The National Dog Code is intended to apply to anyone keeping dogs and will cover all aspects of their care and welfare, including breeding and puppy factories. Once developed, the State Government will consider incorporating the requirements into regulations under the Animal Welfare Act 1985.