Legislative Council: Tuesday, March 08, 2011



The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS (15:07): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Regional Development, representing the Minister for Education, a question about school attendance rates on the APY lands.

Leave granted.

The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS: I refer the minister to an article in The Australian on 24 February entitled 'Growing Crisis in Indigenous Education'. It highlights the poor state of education on the APY lands and, more specifically, how attendance rates have dropped 7 per cent since 2007. Attendance rates are currently reported at 67 per cent. The Minister for Education was quoted as saying, 'Clearly there is more to be done,' which is a massive understatement. The Mullighan inquiry report recommended that all school-aged children should be enrolled and attending school regularly and that the utmost effort should be put in so that this can be achieved.

What is also concerning is that fewer Aboriginal children are completing their high school education. This can be contrasted with the Queensland government's establishment of the Family Responsibilities Commission in Far North Queensland. The FRC has been given power to strip welfare from families if children are mistreated or fail to attend school and if public housing is abused. The implementation of this commission has had an almost immediate impact, with school attendance rates improving immediately.

The minister's response to this commission is simply to pass the buck. He is quoted as saying that 'considerable support from the commonwealth would be needed'. My question is to the minister. Given that the Queensland Family Responsibilities Act was passed almost three years ago, has any genuine attempt been made to implement the same policy in this state?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Public Sector Management, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises) (15:09): I thank the honourable member for his questions. Again, I am gobsmacked that members of the opposition have the audacity; that they have no shame; that they can get to their feet and ask questions on the APY lands and attempt to portray this government as not being committed to providing good quality services to the APY lands. With their track record—the former Liberal government did nothing on the APY lands—they should die with shame at their absolute lack of any action in relation to any policy area.

I would stack up our school retention rates against theirs on the APY lands any day. I would stack up our police numbers against the opposition's police numbers on the APY lands any day. In terms of the incidence of petrol sniffing, I would stack up our numbers against theirs any day. They are a disgrace; they are an absolute disgrace.

Members interjecting: