Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 09, 2011



In reply to the Hon. M. PARNELL (10 November 2010).

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Public Sector Management, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises): The Minister for Water has been advised that:

1 & 2. The desalination plant will provide security for Adelaide's drinking water supply in times of low inflows or water quality problems, and enable greater operational flexibility by providing an additional source from which to draw water. In order to meet Adelaide's increasing drinking water demand from growth, SA Water will continue to utilise its metropolitan water licence from the River Murray to supplement local reservoir supplies and will operate the desalination plant over a range of flow rates depending on seasonal conditions and operational requirements. The desalination plant will reduce the need to increase extractions from the River Murray in dry years, so reducing Adelaide's reliance on the River Murray and manage the river in a sustainable way.

3. The position that has been negotiated with the Commonwealth is consistent with the Water for Good Plan. Water for Good ensures there will be enough water in South Australia. Most importantly, it will enable us to diversify our supplies to reduce our reliance on the River Murray and other rain-dependant water sources. Desalination is one of the key elements of the South Australian Government's strategy to address water security.

4. The Commonwealth Government has committed to providing $228 million to increase the capacity of the desalination plant from 50 gigalitres to 100 gigalitres. The finalisation of the funding agreement with the Commonwealth was delayed by the federal election. The Minister for Water has had several conversations the Federal Water Minister, the Hon Tony Burke MP, regarding this. As soon as the funding agreement is finalised this information will become publicly available.