Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 27, 2010



The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (15:10): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Leader of the Government, representing the Minister for Regional Development, a question about Regional Development Australia boards.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS: I have been advised that state government instalment subscriptions to Regional Development Australia boards, as per a requirement under the partnership agreement between the federal government, the Local Government Association and the state government, have not been paid to the boards since 1 July this year. I understand that, as a result, country councils have been strongly urged to pay their RDA subscriptions on an annual basis rather than by instalments, due to the severe cash flow problems being experienced by the boards, due to this state government non-payment. This unacceptable situation comes on top of the regional development sector having faced several instances of state government funding uncertainty related to resource agreement delays and the Regional Development Australia transition process.

Given that minister O'Brien noted in the estimates process that his federal counterpart, the Hon. Simon Crean, sees RDA boards as a significant avenue of delivery for all the commonwealth wants to do in regional Australia, will the minister, first, ensure that all state government financial commitments to the RDA boards are paid promptly, to comply with partnership arrangements? Secondly, will the minister assure all country local government bodies that they need not budget for annual payments to fill the gap left by the current state government subscription delays?

The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister Assisting the Premier in Public Sector Management) (15:11): I will refer that question to my colleague in another place and bring back a reply.