Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Personal Explanation
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (15:07): I direct my question about the Adelaide Showground to the Minister for Urban Development and Planning. Will the minister provide an update on the steps undertaken by the government to ensure the continued success of the show and the Adelaide Showground venue?
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister Assisting the Premier in Public Sector Management) (15:08): I thank the honourable member for his important question. The Royal Adelaide Show is rightly regarded as a South Australian icon, loved by many generations of South Australians. The Royal Adelaide Show, which is currently administered by the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia, continues to evolve and transform itself alongside the great changes seen in our state from the earliest days of the colony to the present day. During this time, the Royal Adelaide Show has remained one of this state's most loved and popular events.
Although the Royal Adelaide Show has evolved during its long and illustrious history, there are many aspects of the show whose popularity never wanes, among them the wood chopping, events on the main arena, the animal pavilions and the arts and crafts exhibition. There are many loved favourites capturing the public's attention, alongside thrilling new rides and displays. The Royal Adelaide Show is just one of the many events that are staged at the Adelaide Showground throughout the year. The Adelaide Showground site is not only a fantastic exhibition and entertainment precinct but also a significant contributor to the South Australian economy.
The ongoing changes to the Adelaide Showground, including the building and transformation of its exhibition halls and ongoing use of these facilities, have ensured that not only does it retain relevance to South Australians but also it makes the best use of this fabulous location so close to the city of Adelaide. On 24 March last year, I initiated the Adelaide Showground Development Plan Amendment. The process began with the preparation of a master plan for the showground and associated land prepared by the landholder, the RAHS. This master plan provides insight into the showground's potential to accommodate a more diverse and intense range of land uses in addition to the entertainment and exhibition activities it currently accommodates.
Following a consultation process, which attracted input from the community, the City of Unley and government agencies, I was able to approve the Adelaide Showground Development Plan Amendment in time to coincide with this year's royal show. The approved Adelaide Showground Development Plan Amendment now provides the showground the opportunity to grow and continue to be a significant contributor to the South Australian economy. The updated zoning and planning policies will allow the Adelaide Showground to be transformed into a modern exhibition and entertainment precinct.
It is pleasing to note that the City of Unley has worked closely with the state government in the best interests of its residents and the people of South Australia to determine the final shape of this development plan amendment. As a result, many of its constructive suggestions have been incorporated into the final DPA, against which development applications will now be assessed. Importantly, the new zoning allows the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society (RAHS) of South Australia to implement its master plan vision for the showground. The master plan allows the 26-hectare site to provide more diverse and intensive uses. In doing so, it makes better use of its ideal location close to the city, Parklands and major transit corridors in a way that is consistent with the objectives of the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide.
I am confident that the Adelaide Showground will retain its important role as an entertainment and exhibition precinct, hosting the Royal Adelaide Show and other annual events. The Adelaide Showground site is bounded by Rose Terrace, Goodwood Road, Leader Street and the Adelaide-Belair-Noarlunga-Tonsley railway corridor. A new showground zone has been created that opens opportunities for the RAHS to provide continued and enhanced entertainment and exhibition-type activities, ongoing development of public transport facilities and increased car parking.
New development could include complementary commercial and community activities, such as sports facilities, consulting rooms, offices, tourist accommodation, a childcare centre and gymnasium and new mixed use development along Rose Terrace on the northern side of the showgrounds and along Leader Street on the southern side. The initial rezoning proposal has been modified in response to last year's community consultation process to strengthen the emphasis on high quality urban design.
The approved development plan amendment now also includes policy that aims to preserve the operations and safety of the arterial road network and reduces to three from five storeys the building height for development within the Leader Street policy area. Further developments also need to be consistent with the development plan amendment's policy on noise management in a mixed use environment, as well as policy to protect the role, function and historic importance of existing activity centres.
The Adelaide Showground Development Plan Amendment provides a road map for the development of the Adelaide Showground, one that is in keeping with its surroundings and also one that ensures its ongoing success. The Royal Adelaide Show and the events and exhibitions that take place at the Adelaide Showground site are a barometer to the economic success of our state. The Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia is well known for taking a considered and long-term approach to the management of the Adelaide Showground. Importantly, the Adelaide Showground Development Plan Amendment provides the society with a road map to secure its long-term success.