Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (15:58): As a supplementary question, why is the leader refusing to answer the question as to whether he has had consultations with Mr Malinauskas about the possible replacement of other WorkCover Board members? My question did not relate to his position.
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister Assisting the Premier in Public Sector Management) (15:58): As I said, there has to be consultation. It is required. Whether a letter has been sent in relation to those things, that is required so—
The Hon. R.I. Lucas interjecting:
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: Well, I know how tricky the Hon. Rob Lucas is. This is the sort of thing he does. He asks these vague, general questions and then of course, when you are trying to respond, he interjects during the entire answer. It is quite deliberate. As I have indicated, there has been consultation as required with a number of union affiliates. Whether Mr Malinauskas has been a part of that is something that I would have to—
The Hon. R.I. Lucas: Can't you remember, either? Are you like Foley? You can't remember your meetings.
The Hon. R.I. Lucas interjecting:
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: I am not going to put up with this sort of thing. Listen, sleazebag, if you've got something, go out there and say it. If you want to suggest impropriety, go out there and do it, but do not interject in this council when I am answering a question. This is the sort of tactic that this person is famous for. This is what these people opposite do. They ask you a question, and then they interject during the entire answer so that they can misrepresent what you say. Well, I'm not going to fall into that trap. If you are going to interject when I am answering a question, I won't answer your questions in future.
Members interjecting:
The PRESIDENT: Order! The minister has answered the question.
Members interjecting:
The PRESIDENT: Order! The minister should not respond to interjections that are out of order. The Hon. Mr Lucas has been in this place long enough to know that interjections are out of order, but he continues to interject. The minister should know that he continues to defy the standing orders of this place.